Unmanned Scanning
RIEGL VUX-160²³: An advanced, lightweight airborne laser scanner with a wide field of view for corridor mapping. It captures complete data, even in challenging environments, thanks to its three-direction beam emission. With ample storage, external camera support, and flexible integration options, it's ideal for various applications, from UAS/UAV/RPAS to helicopters.
The NEW RIEGL VUX-10025 is a lightweight and versatile airborne laser scanner with a large field of view of 160 degrees and a high pulse repetition rate of up to 1,500 kHz. The scanner has a measurement rate of up to 1.3 million measurements/sec, a scan speed of up to 200 lines/second, and an operating flight altitude of up to 360m / 1,200 feet. Typical applications include Corridor Mapping, Topography in Open-Cast Mining, Surveying of Urban Environments, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Documentation and Agriculture and Forestry.